Forthcoming Webinars & Training Events

The following is a list of both FREE and Paid for Events hosted by Amber Consulting.
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Brilliant Corporate Partnerships

An insiders' guide - what corporate donors are really looking for in a charity partner?

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The session will explore what corporate donors are looking for from modern and progressive charity partnerships, drawing on the Founder of The Giving Department's wide experience of working with some of the largest corporate donors in the UK and globally.

Steve will be joined by Catherine Ind, Head of the St. James's Place Charitable Foundation who will share her hands on experience on what this major corporate foundation is looking for.

The session will focus on practical and pragmatic advise that will be relevant to all charities – large and small.

Brilliant Corporate Partnerships

How to find corporate partners using LinkedIn

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In this session Kevin will talk through two of his most successful and memorable partnerships from his career, highlighting key elements that made them so successful and very much strategic in nature.

Kevin will then look to the future and talk through some top tip takeaways to identify and elevate a corporate partnership offering, looking beyond the normal channels and opportunities, finishing with a Q&A to help talk through some of the challenges facing corporate fundraising.

Brilliant Corporate Partnerships

Featured Past Webinars For You To Purchase

The average office worker gets 121 emails a day - every single day. This means to cut through the noise, corporate fundraisers have to be resilient, persistent and persuasive. 


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Darnell Consulting provide unrivalled insight into the opportunities

available to charities and the things that help charities to win these partnerships.


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 Hannah will share her learnings and provide her top five tips on how to use social value as a way to further develop partnerships with your current business partners, and to open doors to new businesses. 

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This webinar looks at the very first steps that need to be considered when you are looking to set up a business club such as your competitor’s offerings, your USP and the all-important price point

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More webinars for you to access

To buy and complete in your own time

Case for Support Masterclass

This Masterclass will provide you with the practical tools to create your charities individual case for support, specifically for your corporate supporters. The session will provide a mix of tuition and practical tasks.  

You can purchase this  Masterclass for just £37, so you can watch as often as you want and work through the exercises in your own time.

Find out more

If you would like to find out more about any of our coaching packages, or would like to create something more bespoke, please get in touch.

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